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This game is awesome. I love the vibe. Got to 830ft. I know I can do better. Also, love the death screen and music.

Aw man. Very cool game. I made it to t4. It gets a bit too repetitive. I think the progression could be a bit faster. But its really fun in the beggining.


I like this game!

Armor does something like a flat reduction though. An enemy with 1x advantage can do 1 damage, but the same enemy with 3x advantage will do 1000hp. RIP my armor stack :'


pretty fun! made it to tier 4 then died on the first enemy there, may explore more. the drink system is very interesting to play around. i also love the art of the knight hanging off the wall with cards


I had a great time playing this game!

Nice tutorial, clear and easy to understand how to play. I reached 859 ft. in my run and will probably try to reach the Tier 4 enemies tomorrow, the lexicon did a big damage to my HP and couldn’t recover from that haha.

I liked the visuals and the music fits with it, the relics are good and I like this system of 4 types of cards. I don’t have complaints or much to say, nothing went wrong while I played and I want to play a bit more. Sometimes the difference was hard to deal with at the start of the Tier 3 because I got nothing to climb up the tower but it added fun to the game or didn’t feel unfair because card games can be like that.

I like the implementation of the theme and it’s funny to see the knight climb up all the time, but I wonder what motivates the knight to climb. And I liked the shopkeeper.

Good game, it was fun. :D

fun game :)

i like it